Round 1
by Ivan18
Two things almost alike, one decides to kill you in the early stages of your life, while the other decides once you are an adult (over 18-21). As in all boxing matches, there will be no hits below the belt, in this case, God and religion will be left aside.
Normally people will have Pro-Choice Vs Pro-Life, but since we don't do things normal around here so we will go with Pro-Choice vs Death Penalty.
Pro-choice: An ideological position which defends a woman's right to have an abortion on the grounds of her inviolable autonomy over matters concerning her own body.
Death Penalty: A sentence of punishment by execution.
Although they both involve death, for some reason conservatives and liberals acce

Let me congratulate all liberals on this name, it sounds so nice. Who would go against something so logical as the right to choose? I'm sorry to tell you this but it is time to man-up, and call it by its real name, baby-killing. Just because the infant cant talk back does not mean it is not alive. I bet it makes you sleep better at night thinking that you exercised the right to "choose".
Face it, all you're doing is taking the easy way out. You seem to be against killing another human being even if that person killed a family with his own bare hands, but you don't mind killing a baby who's only fault was that you didn't use a condom, or that it broke. What are some of your excuses? "She's only 15, how can she have a child", I've seen lot's of cases like these where the baby grows up just fine, like any other kid.
You support animal rights with such passion yet you don't give a damn about humans. There are 1.5 million abortions every year in the U.S, but I don't see any of you protesting about it. But if someone were to kill a cat you'd be harassing his ass every day; requesting for fines and imprisonment. When all he did was exercise his "choice" in killing a cat, better

So liberals, its time to face reality, quit living in that bubble of yours where you want to "fix" stuff by calling it by other names and protesting for insignificant things.
Abortions should be legal when:
1) Incest
2) Rape
3) Mother's health might be in danger
4) The newborn might be missing limbs or brain deficiency is spotted
5) (blank in case I forgot one)
Death Penalty
Ok conservatives, I know I said God and religion wouldn't be involved. But since you point at it whenever you find it fit, I'll point it back to you. I thought only God could judge people. Yet you're so creative when given the chance to end someone's life.
Methods (some are not in use anymore)
1) Hanging
2) Lethal Injection
3) Lethal Gas
4) Electrocution
5) Firing Squad
6) (comment on any other that you know)

I'm not a bible reader however I don't think it says anything about killing people with lethal injections. You say it is humane because they won't feel a thing, in case you didn't know anticipation and fear of losing one's life are the worst feelings anyone could ever have. So before you go around hitting people on the head with your holy book, take a look at what you support and ask yourself; "what would Jesus do?". Odds are he wouldn't sit someone on an electric chair.
If I had to choose who's life to end. I would prefer to kill a killer than an infant. What about you? Leave a comment stating your opinion and feel free to add any facts or hypothetical problems along with your answer; so that we can discuss it.
Don't forget to Vote (sidebar top left).
it's called pro-choice for the same reason that pro-lifers aren't called anti-abortion or anti-womens-rights, no one wants to identify with a negative.
and killing a foetus that doesn't even have lungs yet is hardly comparable to killing a fully grown adult, who's probably only on death row because he/she couldn't afford a lawyer.
just my two cents worth :)
At what time/age does the fetus become human, according to you?
So, life is only precious or of value when the person is healthy, with all it's limbs, and no brain defects. Is it then okay to kill adults with missing limbs, since you draw no boundaries between the two?
As for me, I support abortions being legal, with the exception of late-term abortions (since they have to pretty much be born to perform the procedure) and I am against capital punishment. Personally, I would never want my wife to have an abortion, but I believe that women have the right to choose whether or not they will be a baby factory. I'm of the same mind when it comes to prostitution. I would never, ever pay for sex, but if that's the type of behavior two consenting adults wish to engage in, they shouldn't fear repercussions from the law, especially in the type of government we are currently in.
Me... Against late term abortions & all for capitol punishment. If you don't want to be put to death, don't do the deed it takes to get you there. Talk about pro choice. It's only common sense. Murder someone, you die. Jump in front of a mac truck, you die. If you don't want to be put to death, don't do that!
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