Sunday, August 16, 2009

Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30

Game of the Week.

It has been a very boring day today. Not much to do so I decided on getting a new WWII war game. I made some research and picked this one up. I dont know much about the game, only that it had great reviews, its a series of 3 games. It was released in 2005 so don't expect the graphics to be top of the line. I read that it had fantastic game play and some go as far as to say that it is more realistic than Call of Duty. We'll have to find out.

I'm also looking for a good movie to watch, I haven't seen one worthwhile in quite a long time. If I find one I'll let you guys know. It seems that all Hollywood can create now are remakes of great old movies, nothing original. They rely on and old script and idea and they add lots of special effect. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but I would like to see something new. That reminds me if you want to watch a good sci-fi movie go with Knowing. Very good story line, it has its flaws but it's forgivable, great performance by Nicholas Cage.

Come by tomorrow and if you know of any good movie or game please post it. Night everyone.


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