by Ivan18
Hey everyone, woke up extremely early today, I need to do something about this. Anyway, the reason I'm writing is to let you know that we have someone else who will be contributing with our blog. I know it has only been up for just few days but we have gotten a good response,

His name is Johnny Jack Poe (trust me, I asked him why that name), he'll be helping me with the Movies and Games Category, among other things. No, he is not the one in the picture on the right, but with the name he chose he makes as much sense as a bunny with a pancake on his head.
One other thing, if anyone is interested in blogging and has some knowledge of Music or Fashion (two things I have no clue on), or any other thing that you might be passionate about, you're welcome to join us. We offer health benefits at Hospital Atlantida, one of the best hospitals in the world. LOL.
Ok I'm off, see you guys later.
lol..... wtf??? a rabbit with a pancake...... not sure.... for music... advice.. you should direct your readers to..
oh.. and btw.... happy bday.. zorra.... en octubre celebramos como se debe.
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