Thousands of people around the world believe that the Earth will cease to exist at 11:11am GMT on December 21st 2012. We’ve heard all types of end of the world theories but this is one of the few which is backed up by a hefty group of scientists.
The story begins with the Mayans; around 3,000 years ago the Mayans invented a long calendar based on astrological events. I won’t get into much detail because I do not want to bore you with a history lesson. The calendar starts off more than 50,000 years ago and ends in 2012, which astronomers today have realized it is the Galactic Alignment. The Mayans without any technological instruments pinpointed perfectly an event that would occur 3000 thousand years later.

The theories go from meteors colliding with Earth, to the earth changing poles. In other words, what we now as the North Pole would become the South Pole. There is evidence that Pole shifts have occurred in the past, but there is no evidence that it will happen in 2012. Other theories state that the Galactic Alignment was important to the Mayans because of a spiritual meaning, making it a time to reborn and come in contact with their inner-selves and become better human beings.
Many people have committed suicide believing that they will resurrect in 2012 and be taken to another planet. I think that is taking it a little bit too far, the galactic event happens every 52,000 years and the Earth is still here, why would this time be any different?
There are literally millions of pages online that talk about 2012, so if you want to know more feel free to look them up. There is a movie coming out this year(2009) by the same name. The more we get closer to 2012 the more suicides there will be from cults and other wacky religions. Keep your cool because nothing is going to happen, feel lucky that you’ll be alive to witness such an extraordinary event that no other human has ever seen.
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thise true end of year
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