Round 1:

Announcer Voice: In this corner, weighing in at more than 250 million users, FACEBOOK.
Crowd: Cheers
Announcer Voice: And in this other corner, weighing in at more than 14 million users, TWITTER.
Crowd cheers and the bell rings..
First let's take a look at what these two giants share, they are both social networks. You can upload pictures, videos, your mood, have friends, see what they are up to, create a profile and such.

1) Facebook: you have Friends, in twitter you have followers.
This is what I don't like about twitter, what kind of creep uses the word "follow". as in "hey, I'm now following Miley Cyrus". If that doesn't yell PEDO I don't know what does. In facebook, like in real life you have friends, it's mutual, you see what they're up to, they see what you're up to. Simple. I don't have to worry about OCHOCINCO following me.
2) Facebook: I click on profile, then upload picture, choose what album and click ok, everyone sees the pic. Meanwhile in Twitter, I have to open a second account in a website called Twitpic, wtf? Try saying that out loud "Twitpic", its one of the gayest names ever, don't be saying that in public.
3) On facebook I get plenty of space to type in my status; on twitter, I have a limited 140 characters, what am I supposed to do with that? What was the reason behind this? So that people would get creative and find ways to shorten their words? As if their spelling does not suck already. For very long links I have to go to a website called tinyurl or bitly or something. How am I supposed to know where that link from that stranger who is following me might take me? Never follow strangers, specially if they offer you candy.

4) Facebook, you're limited as to who might read your updates and thoughts. On twitter you have a magic key called #(insert subject here) and you get to discuss (fight) with anyone who is looking at that trend. Trust me, the internet has never been this fun, only drawback is that I only get 140 characters to tell someone to piss off.
5) Facebook: you're not really sure if someone famous will read your post. On twitter they get whatever you said in real time, great for stalking celebrities(loser). On twitter this is your friend --> @.
What celebrities are saying in twitter at the moment:
Miley Cyrus: "Catching up with a friend whie drinking a hot cup of coffee :) Life is good today" WTF, life wasn't good yesterday for a rich 15 year old girl? Gimme a break.
Asthon Kutcher: "Don't it always seem 2 go, U don't know what U got til it's gone, they paved paradise & put up a parking lot- Joni Mitchell" I wont say anything bad about this guy, great actor.
I really don't know many celebrities on twitter and I wont look for them right now, but you get the picture.
Facebook or Twitter. I for one prefer facebook for now. But these two giants are still growing, we'll have to see what the future has in store for us.
You get to decide on which one is better. Leave your comments and defend your favorite, I'll add your comments on Round 2.
hey hi im just wierd guy, I have myspace, i ignore, and face book , prettymuch ignored, and i got this blogger, lol where i get ignored. mind if I follow you, but honestly, id probably forget you and ignore you. thats what we do online, so it seems to me. anyways it was kinda cool to read thats facing twitterbit book debate
wtf?? ochocinco follows me?? OMFG GTFOH.. .i love it!! ahahahhaha ok dude seriously.. twitter is like the hottest shit in the world right now... is a conversatino.. thoughts... anyways.... tell ochocinco to give me call one of these days... lol
LOL, whats your blog Johnz?
Gamontoy, everyone knows that twitter is for stalkers!! lol
OCHOCINCO IS EPIC.lmao and seriously twitter is for stalkers or creepers not only do they call it "following" but its like you have people who say where they are,or will be exactly at one time on what day.If thats not for creepers i dunno wat is.atleast in facebook you have a little more freedom with what you do but hahaha im a biased opinion i dun have a twitter.Anywhom funny stuff =D<3
I have both but i reckon i prefer facebook :D
And your right, followers is creepy :P
lmao, hey you young whipper twaperz, im fukt in the hed enuff.if you hover your mouse over my name you see my link twitterbug:P welcome to hell. ppl here, well i thought i was insane, shit if these freex are sane im more scrared to leave my house already. you go have fun stay safe and that crap by:)(click my name)
wtf, here are followers and everyone says follow me , i'll follow you! my links, are me, myspace, well dont be a tard about, its my fukn space, i got a pic of my dam toilet :D really, police loved it when , in my profile i say what i do all day, and when tehy came peeking in the window fukn creeper peeker, your right there are freaky peeple creepin, anyways, they say me in my space that looksindententical to the photos i posted in my friggn myspace page, i was sitting doing what i said i do, how fukn wierd of a wierdo am i now? i told you and the police, you want email the fukn hate me and cant touch me , cus ill cry:D
funny, but not, cuz i would, and they know I will kill someone if that peorson comes near me. life sux babe, but sometimes you can smiles, you girls have fun an stay safe, i gotta do , what i do :D oh btw, please, just coment on my page saying fukoff i wont cry, last thing i want is to freak you out in any way. youd know that if you know me bye
Johnz what the heck is wrong with you? LMAO Go get your meds bro.. YOu're going psycho.. haha
Quit being an internet tough guy and get a hold of yourself. Yeah I read some of your posts, I'll commment later.
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