I woke up early today, while I was eating breakfast I wondered how many calories french toasts had, so I looked it up online and discovered a pretty cool website if you're planning to lose some weight or if you want to maintain it. Or if you just want to eat healthier from now on. Let me give you some stats first before I tell you more about this website.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 66% of people over 20 years old are overweight or obese. People in the ranges of 12 – 19 years old have a 30% chance of being overweight. What does this mean? It means that if YOU are not overweight, its probably because you're under 20, so its just a matter of time before you do get FAT.
I bet many of you have gone on diets before, after a while you don't see any results so you go "what the hell, I'm going to eat whatever I want". Which is a reasonable explanation, no one wants to do or sacrifice something if they don't see any benefits. I believe, don't take my word for it, that people have a hard time dieting because they can't pinpoint the source of their problem. It's normal to see people buy a double whopper with cheese, bacon and large fries; and later ask for iced-tea or diet Pepsi. Come on, or they eat salads one day, and whatever they can stuff into their mouths the next.
We all know the hassle of counting calories, specially for drinks and foods that don't have nutritional bars on the back. Even if they do, what are you going to do with that information? Take out a calculator, a notepad and start adding all that? I don't think so. So here is where this website comes in handy.
It's called CalorieCount
All you have to do is create a free account, which takes 1 minute at most, then they'll ask questions about you, for example, what type of work you do, if you are active and such. Very easy to answer, then they'll ask for your current weight and height. It automatically detects what your weight should be and lays out a start-to-end date so that you can meet your goal. The site also tell you how much calorie intake you should eat per day to meet the desire goal, it also calculates how much calories you're burning per day.
Everything is done automatically and on the spot, your only job is to let it know what you ate, for example, if you eat a plate of spaghetti, you type that and it will give you lots of options. In case you ate them with cheese or something else. Then you click on Add to Log and that is about it. The site keeps adding everything you put into it. It has an immense database that you're bound to find what you're going to eat. It's no harder than updating your status on Facebook.
It also gives you nutritional facts such as proteins, carbs and many others. You'll be surprise that some of the foods that you thought were low con calorie are actually the opposite. Calorie Count has a lot of other features that I won’t mention because I'm late for work. But you should definitely check it out, everyone, even if you're not fat.... yet. This is my first day trying this but I'll keep you updated and let you know the results.
The picture on the right will give you an idea on how the site looks and feels. Click it to enlarge the picture. As always you're welcomed to comment if you know of something that might keep people healthy. See you guys later.
i love this advice, like u said before u eat salad the first day and then the next day u eat a funnier size of a hamburger!!! thanks
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