Oii my mates, Johnny Jack here. Now, we all love movies. We all love to go to the theatre, sit down with our popcorn and nachos, and watch 2 hours of excitement and humor. I consider myself a big, no, a HUGE movie fan, but I’m also a serious movie critic. I tend to observe every detail of them, things like direction, the acting, the script, storyline, dialogue, music, editing well, everything. All these things complement each other to make a good movie. There are tons of movies out there that are good, but don’t receive quite enough love from critics. Movies like Transformers 2 are being smashed by critics, and that’s mainly because some critics are more into drama shit than good action movies, but that’s a topic for another day.
Same as movies, there are actors and actresses in the business that have not yet receive
d the recognition they deserve. So today, I’m gona give you an actor that has left us dazzled with every single performance: the great Johnny Depp.

Some of you know him as lonely misunderstood Edward Siccorhands, others might know him as demonic revengeful Sweeny Todd, and most of you know him as unpredictably amazing Captain Jack Sparrow. With every role he takes in the big screen, Johnny Depp has not only brought life to some of movie’s most memorable characters, but has left us a legacy like no other.
Yeah yea, I know what some of you think; you think that most of this is because of director friend Tim Burton. You see, the thing is, Burton might give Depp the roles, but it is Depp who performs them so natural that he becomes the character, bringing him to life so all of us can a enjoy a perfectly acted performance.
Whether it is comedies, dramas, musicals, adventure, fantasy, or horror films, this guy has done it all. Tell me who saw Cry-Baby and didn’t like it? Or who saw Finding Neverland and wasn’t inspired? Who saw Secret Window and didn’t believe he was a psycho? And you have to be honest; all of us went to see all Pirates of the Caribbean films because of Jack Sparrow. His eccentric characters are some we won’t forget, and on top of that, his portrayals of real life figures like director Ed Wood, detective Joe Pistone and 1920s gangster John Dillinger are amazing and have gotten him critical acclaim.
He was won several major awards including a Golden Globe for Sweeny Todd and a
Screen Actors Guild award for Jack Sparrow, but the Academy is getting real tough on him despite his good performances. He has been nominated to the Oscar 3 times already: one for Pirates (of course) the other for Finding Neverland, and the last for Sweeny Todd, but he hasn’t won yet! Hmm, now that sucks.

Why is such a great actor being robbed of his well deserved price? Well, like a said, the Academy loves drama. So when Depp was nominated for Jack Sparrow he was up against Jude Law, Ben Kingsley, Bill Murray, and Sean Penn. Penn ended up taking home the Oscar for playing and angry, sad father in Mystic River. Don’t get me wrong, Sean Penn is a real good actor, but his role in Mystic River was of a desolate father, a role that we have seen TONS of times in movies. So, you tell me, who deserved the 2003 best actor Oscar, a crying angry man screaming to the top of his lungs, or an unpredictable eccentric pirate you don’t see every day?
I’m not saying Depp deserves an Oscar for every performance he has given, but he sure is deserving of one for quite some time.
This summer we saw him playing John Dillinger in Michael Mann’s “Public Enemies”, and even drama-loving critics agree that his performance as a gangster was one that no one had seen. I think this guy deserves another shot at the Oscars next year, I hope he gets nominated and wins, unless we have another actor playing a crying father or a handicapped person when Oscar Season starts later this year (those 2 roles always end up taking the awards).
This summer we saw him playing John Dillinger in Michael Mann’s “Public Enemies”, and even drama-loving critics agree that his performance as a gangster was one that no one had seen. I think this guy deserves another shot at the Oscars next year, I hope he gets nominated and wins, unless we have another actor playing a crying father or a handicapped person when Oscar Season starts later this year (those 2 roles always end up taking the awards).
If you haven’t seen the trailer for Burton’s Alice in Wonderland, you should check it out on youtube, you’ll see another character that you’re gonna end up loving next year.

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