By Ivan18
Florida, USA(I keep telling you, something is wrong with the U.S)
Praying might very well send a Florida school Principal and the athletics director to jail, on top of losing their jobs, which they have served for more than more than 40 years. How did this all come to be?
The American Civil Liberation Union(ACLU), an organization in charge of civil liberties, which by the looks of it Praying is not a civil right anymore. Believes that praying violates other people's right, because praying in front of other people is the same as imposing your religion or trying to convert them. Yet, this same organization, is pro-gay rights, and does approve of transvestites who they say have no influence or impact on small children. In other words, you can't pray at the dinner table, but you can ask the trans-gender across the table to pass you the salad.
Back to our story, last year Frank Lay(Principal) was warned through a lawsuit that if he ever imposed his religious beliefs he would be fired. The settlement prohibits all school employees from promoting prayers during school events. It's really hard for someone to cha

I'll be honest, religions and me don't get along too well, but if someone decides to pray in front of me I don't mind at all. We've all been there at the dinner table when the moment comes up to bless the foo. You thank God for what you're going to eat and on top of that you thank the person who prepared the food. I don't see anything wrong with teaching kids to be polite and grateful. Religion even though I disagree with it for other reasons I'll discuss some other time,
It boggles my mind and I'm truly disgusted. The liberals(left wing) not to be confused with the politically inclined left wing, are slowly but surely taking over. One of the reasons that they act like this is because of the Gay Rights Movement, who the ACLU support completely. The church trying to save what little integrity the world has left has always denounced and condemned gay marriage. Leads me to think that the ACLU considers that if they are able to put the church aside their Gay Civil Rights and their pro-abortion policies will be unquestioned. To hell with those queers(I'd be looking at a lawsuit if I were to say this in the U.S) and their stupid movement.
What do you think? Should they go to jail? Is it ok to promote Queer Rights and to censure religion? Post your comment.
I think that we would have to really analize this. We would have to take into consideration several factors of his action of praying, like (if it was a simple normal prayer or if the way he prayed was a atached to a specific religion). For instance Catholics pray one way, Adventists another way, Mormons another, and so on, so lets try to think about it, what if this guy was a really anoying dude always trying to put pressure on people "not to be a better person" but to CHANGE their beliefs "which acording to him could be the same as becoming a better person, but not really". For differente religions a different way of praying could mean an offense. So simply i would say, do not direct or give a prayer in a crowd who has different beliefs, as you might be pushing your beliefs by the way you do or say the prayer. I know you couldnt be offended Ivan by someone giving a prayer in front of you, but remember how anoying can a religion PUSHER be. Then again this is just my point of view, perhaps the only said "Dear father thanks for the food" AMEN!
by the way, lets put the picture above as an example, "they are holding hands and praying and they have wine cups on the table...You might think this is normal, i do think so too, but some religions could consider this as an abomination, due to the fact that they are drinking wine and some religions condemn the drinking of alcohol, as for they are holding hands this has to be a special characteristic of a specific religion also. Good thng they are not eating pork because its supposed to be a sin for the adventist friends!
True, no one can really say how this man acted. I know what you mean with the "pushers" but when the athletic director said grace there were no kids around. He'll end up losing his job and pension. My other concern about ACLU is the way they attack religion(of any kind) yet they support other things like gay rights that are a true threat to society.
Most organized religions make a mockery of humanity... queer rights....ajajajajajajaj.
I say you pray only if it's in your beliefs, if not then don't bother the people who do, personally I don't mind people who pray, but I do mind when they try and make me pray.
Well yes, I'm in no way in favor of Religions. But if someone wants to pray, and like you said, as long as they dont want to make YOU pray, they can pray whatever they want.
I think we have to take in consideration the country where all of these is happening!! The United States! I think u find there as many cultures and religions as in no other place, so that´s why they take it so seriously, even exagerate quite a bit, trying to protect each person´s beliefs and practices, but the problem is that as they protect the colective rights the leave individuals rights at a great level of vulnerability as in this case!
I don't care if they protect other people's beliefs, my only problem with them is that they are biased when they do it. They protect some group or minority's rights and beliefs, while ignoring others.
Rawr Ivan you SUCK.Gays have just as many rights as any other in my opinion,clearly others don't see it the same way.Well from i've seen (as a floridian)it doesn't state exactly where this was but here in Orlando we have ALL kinds of cultures and religions simply because the appeal of Disney World.To be honest this guy probably did it in a bad way or they wouldnt make such a big deal like Orlando is a BIG tourist attraction in itself and ofcourse it's taken seriously because we wouldnt want to offend anyone or anything of the sort.Hahaha Florida has TONS of minority from either Cuba or Haiti or even DR but as you can assume the main religion would be Christian/Catholic and personally i have met some teachers who do try to push a certain religion upon a person but in a subtle way it happens lol.Anyway do i think they should go to jail?No. Do I Think it's okay to promote GAY rights?Yes,yes i do.Like you guys want to talk about how horrible it is that they are doing this because its stripping away rights and all that,yet its such an abomination for people to want gays to be human?Gays have just as much rights as you do what's the difference?he may like that guy or she may like that girl.You say its bad for them to be around your children cuz they are gay or whatever but would you prefer that gang over there to influence your child?which one is really harming the community?Hahaha please answer that but lmao i still loves ya though ivan xD
Question, would it have been okay for him to put on a cape, and offer thanks to the Goddess, and ask everyone else in attendance to also offer thanks to the Goddess?
Would it have been equally okay if he asked everyone to face Mecca, bow and pray?
Though I suppose without more info, I can't really say whether or not he violated the terms of the lawsuit that he agreed to.
Yeah Adam, this story is still developing so we'll know later on, ACLU has offered no comment.
Hey if the guy wants to put a cape and act like batman I don't care. As long as he does not try to convince anyone else to share his beliefs.
Seems like there was a clear violation of the settlement in the previous lawsuit, and that this school district was engaging in plenty of questionable practices. So, it's not so much that he's being arrested for praying, but for breaking the terms of the previously agreed to settlement.
Yup, that's why I said a year later. But at this event there weren't any kids around.
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