By Jack Poe
Oi mates. Since the blog is becoming a little more popular every day, we can have now something me and the other authors have wanted to have on this page, and that is an advice column. With this, all of you can view our advices on certain things in life like relationships, motivation, things you can do to help yourself and feel better, etc. The column will be called C’est La Vie (French for That’s how life is). I wanted to name it Jacky Poe’s Advice Column, but ivan18 said that he would kick my ass if I did. So remember, if you want us to cover a certain subject or if you need advice on ANYTHING, just write us a comment under this post and you’ll have an advice for you right away.
okay, i want in on this advice colume, me smart i help many guud persons. my first bit of advi would be once you get up from getting your ass kikt, tell ivan C’est La Vie , its jacks advise ,)
im beyond help tho. its cool hookers? na nvm. C’est La Vie
have fun :D
wait no your jack , im john. oh hell i need help how do i remember things. what was her phone again:( i need hug, thats extra tho :D
Well not so much advice, but I get really bored on the internet, I read your blogs everyday but after that I am really bored, I try Facebook, then yahoo answers then a little of how stuff works but I still am bored even failblog to see some funny pics or even youtube.
But I never find a really good thing to do on the web maybe you could lead me to some entertaining pages where I can spend time reading alot maybe about history and other things.
Good idea coyote, we'll start working on that.. We've been a little slow on content because we might be changing the layout and template of the blog, to something a little more exciting.
Recommend us. :P
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