by Ivan18
The Golden Rule: He who has the gold, makes the rules.
The story in Honduras is hard to tell because the left and the right wing have totally different stories. For the record, I'm a right wing supporter. But, I'm also very realistic and sometimes borderline cynical.
As with any problem, the best thing to do is to go directly to the root. I was chatting with a friend of mine today on facebook, I wont mention her name (It's Ivannia, she supports the left wing, go get her) but she actually gave me a good launching point. She said "Ivan, but you have to know that the only reason that the supreme court and congress proclaimed the 4th ballot as illegal, is because interested power parties are backing them up"
Ivannia, I couldn't agree with you more, those "interested parties" in the U

Taking a current example, in the U.S, at the moment President Obama is trying to pass a bill that will give public health care to everyone, something that seems great as we all know that hospital treatments in the U.S are very expensive. So why is this bill, that will help the poor, wont see the light of day? Because lobbyists for the insurance companies are spending big bucks on advertisements and on senators to make sure that their companies won't have to compete with the government. Allowing them to make as much money as they want.
Now that we have our setting, lets say that Barrack Hussein Obama decides "to hell with this, I'm going to pass that bill myself (something he cant really do on his own)" Wouldn't that be considered breaking the law? I'm no law student but I dont think "I decided to ignore the law because it is backed up by rich groups who are against it" would do well in court. I bet he'd be heading a press conference the next morning from Costa Rica if he ever did this.
For better or for worse, those are the laws, as they are here in Honduras. Congress had their own rich supporters, but Zelaya had his, and no I'm not talking about the people, I'm talking about Hugo Chavez. Most left wingers although they adore the man, will try to keep hi

Now that we have these two, Chavez and the Honduran lobbyists, that is were the fun starts. They are both looking for what makes the world go round, love, yeah right, power and money. Just as these lobbyists want to keep the money for themselves, the same goes for Chavez. Or will you tell me that Venezuela is oh so great and free? With a man that in 2002 promised that he would only do one term and then he would leave office, it's 2009 and he already stated he'd be there until 2022. Let us not forget Chavez's own coup d' etat in 1992, where more than 200 innocent people died.
We will never know for sure that Zelaya wanted to extend his term, or come back for a second 4 years later. But looking at what and who the man believes and admires, I could say that this was not out of the question. Calling Castro and Chavez my commandant, two vicious beings who have their countries under extreme oppression.You also said that he would call for a constituent assembly, but that they would never

Honduras is a small and poor country, with enough campaign money anyone can be president. It wouldn't have surprised me that Zelaya could win a second term with all the oil money that Chavez could provide. Thank goodness we will never have to find out.
To answer our original question, some call it a succession of power, others call it a coup d' etat, but what really happened here was a clash between two extremely wealthy powers, one was defeated while the other came out victorious. Being as we are so divided, there really isn't a correct side, for you it is a loss, for us it is a win. History has shown us that whenever two political parties go head to head, death is standing at the doorsteps. I don't want to sound insensitive, but the deceased on either side, are merely casualties of war.
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What I (ivan18) believe is this:
As I said in my comment, because of the way it was handled it was a Coup d' Etat, it was either them with a self coup, or us. I'm glad it was us. Sometimes in life we come to a point where we have to decide whether to die or kill, to be stepped on or to step on. My fellow readers, this was a political war, and it took a coup d' etat to win, I don't and I will never feel ashamed of it.
Really good!! Love your comparison to the Obama situation!But i will like to know what do u call it..succession of power or coupt d´etat!!
Because of the way it was handled, I'd have to say coup d' etat. BUT seeing that the man clearly violated the law(even if those laws were created by these rich groups),it is a Succession of Power, Zelaya forced himself out of power the moment he disobeyed.
It is shameful! Because u can´t say it was us (the people) in whom by the way sovereignty relies, who decided, it was a selected group of our society accompanied by the military who decided to forcefully remove Presidente Zelaya!! A president that could may have commited corrupt acts during its government, but is the president that was elected by the honduran people and for that reason the honduras population were the only ones that could have removed from!
patria socialismo vandalismo robo asesinato o muerte!!!! lol, I dont have much to say....but what i REALLY know is that MOST of the people is happy having Manuel Zelaya "el picarito" as far as possible from honduras... dont believe me? make a survey...! lol see yaaaaaaaaa, they should had taken this zelaya bitch to fukin china--
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