Friday, August 14, 2009

Environmentalists favor Fish over Families

California, USA (I'm telling you, the U.S has gone Crazy)

Fact according to The Friends of the Earth: The fish on the left is worth more than you!

Environmentalist should suicide and save the earth. I’ve seen and heard these tree lovers come out with lots of stupidities as of late, but this one is really bugging me. Here is the story as short as possible. In Central Valley, farmers depend on irrigation to grow their crops. I am not talking about small farms, unless you consider 500,000 acres of land small. What’s the problem with irrigation? It seems that the pumps that are used to drive the water toward the fields are trapping and killing an endangered 4 centimeter fish, which after researching does not benefit humanity or nature in any way.

So what did the environmentalists do? They sued the state, and had the pumps turned off. Over 80,000 people lost their jobs because they are not growing any crops. This amount represents approximately 40% of the jobs in that area. The drought has destroyed the economy in this area; most of the crops have died, millions of dollars lost. In a global crisis like the one we’re facing, I still can’t comprehend how they can shut down these farms, which produce healthy food for the rest of the U.S, they give jobs to the people, but it seems that a fish, who I might add has a one year life span, is given priority over the human race.

The people from California are protesting, but they are shouting into deaf ears. They've been at it since May 2009 and still haven't got congress to turn on the pumps.

Don’t you think it is about time to stop these so called ecologists? We need to stop them now before it’s too late. They have lost all notion of reality, I am not a psychologist but I don’t think I’m alone when I say these people and anyone who supports them are clinically insane.

My solution for the people in California is this, turn on the freaking water pumps, grow those crops, load your shotguns and wait for those tree huggers to come.


Anonymous said...

this is an outrage

Adonis said...

everyday i learn that the stupidity of some people has no limits. everyday my friend... people just dont think! wow i wished i could slap this guys with their own fish.

Anonymous said...

Those fish, the Delta Smelt are a very vital part of the fragile ecosystem of the Delta-Bay Estuary. This is not a matter of anyone believing that fish are more important than humans. This is a matter of California's largest source of fresh water, the Delta Estuary, is in collapse, it is dying, it has been stretch to its limits and has little more to give and if Californians persist in interacting with its water the way that it has in the past, pretty soon it will have nothing left to give us.

It is not unreasonable that in a state of crisis everyone will suffer losses. Loss of access, loss of profit, loss of work and in the case of the Delta Smelt possibly the loss of their existance.

Californians can no longer afford to carry on a parasitic relationship with the resources that provide them with life and livelihood.

Anonymous said...

BACILLUS INFERNUS - I urge Ivan18 to pay attention to Shakespere's quote "for want of a nail", and if that's too hard, maybe to watch the movie based on Michael Creighton's book, "The Andromeda Strain" - I suppose YOU conducted the research that determined the lack of benefit to humankind - or did you learn about this on FOX?

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