I was planning on telling MJ(from now on Jacko) fans not to read this, but for their sake they should. I don't know about most of you, and when I say you, I mean people who still have some brains and decency. Didn't people go overboard with this Jacko death thing? I'm sorry about his family, although none actually liked him, we all know he did not keep in contact with them. Nevertheless they aren't stupid and took advantage of the spotlight.
It's ironic that I'm writing about the Jacko deal getting too much coverage, and by doing so I'm covering it myself. At least I'm trying to talk some sense into idiots who paid over 9 thousand dollars for tickets to his funeral. Free tickets I might add; and the body was probably not in the golden casket. Oh and did I mention that his funeral cost over 4million dollars? And that the tax payers in L.A paid the bill because the city volunteered to run with the costs. I think no one told the city mayor that his albums had gone through the roof and his estate was worth a lot more than when Jacko was alive. The family could have easily covered the bill.
His Legacy
I know he was a great performer, I acknowledge it. But did he truly give SO much to the world? Why are millions of people over the world crying over it, making big scenes? They call him the greatest performer that ever lived. Funny thing is he was broke, probably because the same people which love him right now, didn't buy any of his albums while he was alive. I bet if those people were asked before his death, who they thought was the greatest performer he wouldn't have been number 1. Names like Madonna, Spears(before she became a total lunatic) and other names would come before him, hell, even Hannah Montana and the Jonas brothers would top him.
Why Paying tribute to him is stupid

Correct me if I'm wrong. Jacko spent most of his life and money building his Ranch Neverland, so that he could host party with little children. With the excuse of not having a real childhood, so his next best thing were sleepovers with 10 year olds. I am not making this up, he said it in "60 Minutes", that there was no greater feeling than cuddling with kids. I don't know about you, but I find it odd for a 40 year old man to be sharing his bed with children. Specially a guy who went to court because he was accused of molesting a child, yet he pay the family off. I'm just saying, pretty weird.
Either way, I don't know how these people can say with a straight face that he was an incredible man, he was talented, but he was not a great person. Yet those people cry rivers for him, but for some reason do not give a damn for their soldiers who are fighting and dying for their country. I mean come on, on one side we have soldiers willing to defend their people at all costs on a daily basis, and on the other side we have a JUNKIE, that is what he is. A darned drug addict, nothing great or inspirational about it.
I dislike CNN, I'll be honest about it. They try to sell any kind of crap they can. I don't mind them trying to get a few bucks out of ignorant fools who make the death of a pedophile an incredible thing, but there should be a limit. CNN interviewed anyone who came in contact with Jacko. It was ridiculous, people who had barely known him were having their 15 minutes of fame, saying stuff like "..and he told me "nice dress", then walked backstage". WTF. Is that some information you couldn't live without?
Then, to protect his image, they came up with a story about "MJ had a secret girlfriend". Do they think people are really that stupid? Well some are, but not most of us, please CNN save us some dignity. They kept the girlfriend story for about a week, however no names ever came up and the only witness was a bodyguard. We all know he didn't like girls, that is not a big mystery, not even his kids are his. They are white for God's sake, which comes into mind that he is probably a racist, Jacko could have easily used a black guy, but no, he wanted them white.
People Dancing Thriller all over the World

Do humanity a favor, if you, or someone you know went out with thousands of people(idiots/freaks) to dance Thriller, put yourself/them to sleep. Isn't there anything better in your life than dressing up like a Zombie or a Child Molestor and dancing under the sun, trying to break a world record of "Amount of People Dancing Thriller"? They should change that name to "idiots paying tribute to junkie/child molester."
The End
I better quit talking about him, it's getting on my nerves. There is a list of over 100 deceased men and women who gave the world way more than Jacko did, it's a disrespect to them to have all these idiots wetting their panties over a sick, degenerate pedophile.
I'm sorry if this became a rant, I can't stand it anymore, every time a flip a channel I see something about him. I know I'm not alone on this one, many of you have noticed it too.
To MJ fans, I really don't care if I have offended you in anyway or form. Like I said, I don't mind if you enjoy his music, but don't take it overboard, there are more important things in life to be looking at. Like how Obama is screwing up the U.S. but that is for another day.
Leave a Comment, even if you're a Jacko supporter/lover/victim.
shit man don't call him Jacko..everyone will confuse him with me jajaja..dude you are so right with this..
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