I'll be adding more people to the team, everyone with their own area of "expertise" so we can keep the blog fresh. Here is what I have so far:
If you have any questions ask the dog, because he seems to understand me. :P
Monday: Survival Skills
Tuesday: Entertainment (Includes Movies, Music, Series and such)
Wednesday: Odd News and Health
Thursday: Versus (Go to the Versus posts to see what it is about)
Friday: Videos, this will be a new section, I just thought about it as I was writing this. lol.. might be interesting.
Saturday: Anything
Sunday: Let me sleep damn it... or we could talk about sports.. hehe
This schedule might change, I'm planning on posting more than 1 post per day, so keep an eye out.
On a personal note, not having the best of days today, I might have to open a section for rants. lol.. But tomorrow things will be better :D.
If you have any ideas leave your comments.
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