Tuesday, April 27, 2010


OI MATES!!! I hope you still remember the guy with the kick-ass name (stop saying it’s weird, eh? you know it’s a cool name), the guy who told you vampires are a stupid little trend of today’s stupid-teenage-girls-and-queery-boys-who-like-that-shit society and twilight sucks as much as the acting of Robert Pattinson (yeah I said it again!), the guy that told you to stop listening to the Mileys and the Jonas and every other little noisemaker that call themselves artist these days (you damn well know they suck!)..YES MATES! Johnny Jack Poe is back! And damn it feels good! We gotta catch up eh, there’s a lot of shit we need to discuss, for example there’s this little thing that’s been bothering me for the past few weeks and I’m not gona say what it is cause just by spelling out its name causes me to vomit like if I had drank 2 tequila bottles and 3 kegs by myself, so I’m not gona say it (ok ok, Its Justin Fucking Beiber, you know?, that little mini-Jonas piece of crap that’s taking over nowadays) but that’s for another day when I wana spill guts. Today I’m just letting you know that we’re back and we’re hungry to blog. Little Ivan is gona cover the girly subjects, so if you wana ask someone about nail polish or gossip girl’s newest episodes, he’s your guy. Me on the other hand, I’m gona cover what matters in the world, like music, movies, and anything related to telling you how stupid or nerve-wrecking a trend is getting. Oh, and for the teenage girls that wanted me gone for hating on the JonaASSES and their precious Twilight...I’m….deeply sorry that you will have to put up with me as I blog-mutilate them.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Organizing and Schedules

One of the most difficult things about keeping a daily blog is what to blog about. Specially if it is a blog like this one which is not focused on a certain topic. So, to make my life easier, I will write up a weekly schedule. This way I will know what to write about and you will know what to expect each day.

I'll be adding more people to the team, everyone with their own area of "expertise" so we can keep the blog fresh. Here is what I have so far:

If you have any questions ask the dog, because he seems to understand me. :P

Monday: Survival Skills

Tuesday: Entertainment (Includes Movies, Music, Series and such)

Wednesday: Odd News and Health

Thursday: Versus (Go to the Versus posts to see what it is about)

Friday: Videos, this will be a new section, I just thought about it as I was writing this. lol.. might be interesting.

Saturday: Anything

Sunday: Let me sleep damn it... or we could talk about sports.. hehe

This schedule might change, I'm planning on posting more than 1 post per day, so keep an eye out.

On a personal note, not having the best of days today, I might have to open a section for rants. lol.. But tomorrow things will be better :D.

If you have any ideas leave your comments.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Back online and with a name change.

After almost a year we're really back.

We'll be making a name change, when I started this blog it was more of a political blog with some humor(not related to politics). Now we will focus more on everyday situations, advices, sports, movies and everything else we used to talk about. Although I will keep the Odd News section even if it is sometimes related to politics.

One of the reasons I wont be posting political views anymore, is because I have gotten in way too many fights with a friend which I wont mention her name (Ericka Martinez you can stalk her on facebook). 

By now most of our main readers are long gone, we will have to start from zero again. If you have any comments or ideas on what else we should post about let us know.

If you want to date the girl to the right here are some tips.
She enjoys:
  • Going to the beach
  • Playing Final Fantasy
  • Helping Dogs/Cats/Animals (except pigs/cows/chicken... she eats those!!)
  • Reading
  • For more questions find her on facebook.. lol
She Dislikes:
  • Anything that goes against what she thinks is right
  • People posting her personal information online without her permission so that abusers and pervs like you can find her
That is about it for now, we'll have at least two more post by the end of the day. See you guys soon.